Late night 

Late at night we stroll into the dark,
Cold but warmed by our cosy winter coats,
Holding your hand makes me feel safe and secure,
The stars shine high in the sky, the moon curved and halved.
A slight wind makes the trees speak in the night,
Quiet it may be, with only our breath to guide us,
Footsteps synced together as we walk,
Our shadows merge together as if we are one,
Street lights appear to separate us in two,
Our late night walk comes to a end where we both go back to being one.

The Night

The Night

dark and cold,

endless and almost unrecognizable space,

black and white,

where the moon  has taken colour from the world

as if it was some sort of curse,

the stars and the moon shine brightly upon the night sky,

trying to tell you their secrets,

but secretly trying to illude you with its beauty.