
The project explores into death and commemorating the dead, it explores in the idea of transformation of our spirits as they begin to change and morph into poetry and fly away. It is a symbolic light installation that represents letting go. This project was influenced by memorial stones found within the Edinburgh closes, but also taking in personal experience of death and loved ones passing away.

The idea came from the stories my mum would tell me about how when people died their soul stays on earth for a 100 days before finally going to where they belong, within those 100 days they roam freely visiting their families and friends giving them dreams or some sort of presence.They would present us with different forms most commonly into butterflies or moths. So I thought to myself what if they transformed into pigeons and maybe there were so many of them was because it was in fact the dead visiting the living world again. I knew i wanted to use the bird as a symbolic figure and decided to transform them into ghostly figures that transform into last words that they may possibly want to leave which would then disappear into dust as if they came just to say hello and goodbye again.

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